Thursday, August 23, 2007

it's been a while...

it's the past i always try to stay in kch as long as possible..but somehow this trip towards the last few days i was rather down because my dad kept postponing my trip back to KL..first i was suppose to leave on the 11th then changed it to the 20th and finally on the 21st i dragged him to the airport to buy me a new ticket to leave on that day itself..rushed back home to pack and back to the airport and off i was to KL..finally i'm home..i mean kch will always be home but KL is my home away from home..home is where the heart is and a big part of it is in brother has grown..i'm impressed..seriously they grow up so fast *tears of joy welling up* reminds me of how old i am *sigh* it feels so good just chilling at home lazing on the couch watching TV with my mum *bliss*

note : i'm NOT saying i didnt enjoy kch..i did i did i did..kch was simply awesome!!! seriously it just rawked my hols..but now i juz need to relax slow down the partying and start mentally preparing myself for russia once again..sigh sigh sigh..

i know i have been neglecting u dear gundumamapancakes but well 'holiday mood' switched on..nuff said?? hehe..i have so many stories to tell but then my mind is like running so much faster than my fingers can type..u know how a picture says a 1000 words? dont u agree?? well i have bad news and good news..good : i do have pics lots n lots (i think) bad : pics aren't with me..lolz..some of them i havent even seen..cant let the world see b4 i m assured it justifies me :) need filtering..u u ppl who do have them dont simply put here and there arr!! i know i took some really stupid pics..some which i remember and some which i dont but no matter..i could sue!! :P

eve darlin..being the dentist and all can u explain why my gums hurt a f-ing lot..i did a oper..ectomy (sounds something like that la) meaning he lazered off the gum on top of my wisdom tooth to give it some breathing room..he assured me a few days of soreness but it's been more than a week and my gums are still swollen..i'm a very unhappy patient!! if i knew it would be sore this long i would have opted for the removal of the whole tooth..i made sure to rinse and guggle my mouth after every meal to prevent an infection..sigh..plz advise , frustrated victim in pain.


  1. kl rocks alright!, alberts is there now ya kno lol miss tht fcker :( i'm stuck here for a bit longer..

  2. hahahaha..i saw him in kch the other day..lolz..awwwww..KL misses u too sean!!! come back quick..!!
