Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The BiG 2 - 0

My group has 12 people as you should already know if you have read my previous posts..there are no shortcuts oK! Most of us have been through this milestone in our lives..the teen years left far far behind us along with the dinosaurs and the ‘dODo bird’..

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy back then when we all 1st arrived birthday parties were the –IN- thing but since then they have been striped of their element of surprise and in other words..B-O-R-I-N-G!!

Bu bu bu buuuuttt the birthday boi 2day refused to enter his 20th year without somewhat of a BANG!! Check this out..

  • He picked out his own birthday present. Now if more ppl were like that we wouldn’t have to deal with the headache of thinking what the perfect present would be..don’t you agree??
  • None of the other 11 of us had enough money to pay for the present 1st SOO guess what…*oh my gawddddd* that was my reaction..that plus some extras which words just cannot do justice to..Can u imagine?? We actually borrowed his money to buy his birthday present..*speechless??*
  • Normal birthday candles just wouldn’t do this nooo noo..he treated himself to 1 foot long candles..not 2 of them but all 20!! He even counted them b4 blowing them out..mOnkeyy betull right??
  • He made the most delililiciousssssss honeydew-mango pudding I have ever tasteddd..seriously it was SOOOOOO damnnnn good..I’m not just saying that because it’s his birthday oK!! But juz imagine while we were lazing around waiting for midnight he was busy slaving away making pudding for us..awwWWwwWwww!!
  • Usually the birthday boi would just sit back and wait for things to happen but not Awang Abdul Malik bin Abdul Abdillah..uh uhh!! He planned and dictated everything making sure everyyy single minute detail went according to what he had in TOP that!!

From bOo BoO kItTy FcUk and all my dear pancake lovers..we wish u a very very veryy HappPPpPyyYY 20th BbbiiiIiiRrrRttttTTthHhhHHdddDDDAAaAayyYYyyYY!!!!!!! :)

p/s, Darma the barli -slash- kanji was really really REALLY good too but can’t puji you too much..the barli can’t outshine the pudding 2day..u understand right?? *lolz*

stay coming right up!!! plz don't hold your breath's'll see it when you see it *grinz*

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